Journey Plymouth Messages

A Know-So Salvation

A Know-So Salvation

We are living in an age of uncertainty. This message is designed to help you understand what you can be certain of, and set you free to pursue your God-given potential.

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Living as an Overcomer

Living as an Overcomer

Faith is not simply saying what God says is true; faith is acting on what God says because it is true.

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The Circle of Love

The Circle of Love

God loves us enough to confront us with the truth of our sin problem, and provide a remedy.

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A Mother’s Lasting Influence

A Mother’s Lasting Influence

Acts of love are “Care Packages” that make a difference in life. Other than Almighty God, no one in history has delivered more on this thought than mothers. This message is designed to honor mothers and offer life principles for all.

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Living With Discernment

Living With Discernment

There is an ever-increasing attempt to blur the lines between truth and error. The discerning Christian will walk in the light as He is in the light—not in darkness.

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Assurance for an Anxious Heart

Assurance for an Anxious Heart

If you have ever or are experiencing distress, uneasiness, fear, or worry, perhaps this message will be a source of hope and encouragement.

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Marked by Love (1 John 3:10-18)

Marked by Love (1 John 3:10-18)

We are all marked by different things in life – some more distinct than others. Today's message is about being marked in a distinctively Christian way – by love.

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He is Risen!

He is Risen!

Easter is the message of hope, and that hope is based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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